Pellet production, wood chip utilization


Moisture measurement in pellet production

Pellet production
Pellet production

Our innovative devices are used for process control in pellet production at various stations to measure the moisture of the sawdust and shavings. From the exit of the drum dryer to the discharge screws of the maturing hoppers to the distribution screws upstream of the pellet presses - our measuring devices ensure accurate moisture measurement without impairing the product flow.

Embedded in the outer wall of the screws or conveyors, they do not interfere with the process flow and enable seamless integration. The MoistureScan measuring devices are independent of color variations and chip sizes, which ensures precise measurement even with small color differences and different chip sizes. With the ability to measure both the surface and core moisture of the chips and microwaves that fully penetrate the chips, our devices provide extremely accurate and long-term stable measurement.

Rely on MoistureScan to optimize the quality of your pellet production and minimize downtime. Discover the future of moisture measurement in pellet production with us!

Moisture measurement in wood chip utilization

Wood chips
Wood chips

To enable the automated operation of a wood gas-fired combined heat and power plant, the moisture meter was integrated into the grab bucket of the transport robot.

After drying the delivered wood chips to a target value of 10% moisture, the grab transports the wood chips into the gasifier. Decisive for the use of a MoistureScan are the accuracy of the measurement and the load capacity of the measuring head, which is subjected to constant movement in the x, y, and z directions and pressure changes during grabbing and emptying in automated operation.

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